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Magdalena Biggar



I grew up in Auckland and attended Auckland Medical School.  Thereafter I undertook surgical training in General Surgery in New Zealand, becoming a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) in 2009.  Subsequently I gained further specialty training and experience in Breast, Endocrine and General Surgery by working abroad in Australia (Princess Alexandra Hospital) and the United Kingdom (Royal Victoria Infirmary) under the tutelage of surgeons prominent on the world stage in their fields.  Most recently I have also spent time on sabbatical in Oxford to improve my skillset of oncoplastic techniques.


I work as a Breast, Endocrine and General Surgeon in private practice and as a Consultant Surgeon for Counties Manukau Health.  The majority of my work encompasses assessment and treatment of breast cancer and other breast disease (in both breast screening and diagnostic environments), thyroid assessment and surgery, parathyroid surgery, as well as elective and emergency general surgery - with a particular experience in gallbladder surgery.  I make a commitment to you to use my knowledge and experience to look after you to the best of my ability.  I work with a team of specialist nurses, support staff and other specialists to give you excellent care.


I also have an interest in surgical education and maintaining our New Zealand trained workforce.


Together with my husband Kevin, we have two children.

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  • Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

  • New Zealand Medical Council Registration

  • BreastScreen Aotearoa Accredited

  • Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand

  • Auckland Breast Cancer Study Group

  • New Zealand Association of General Surgeons

  • Australian and New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons

  • Endocrine section of Royal Australiasian College of Surgeons

  • International Association of Endocrine Surgeons

  • Faculty instructor RACS Surgical Skills courses

  • International Society of Surgery

  • Academy of Surgical Educators

  • Member Aotearoa New Zealand Training Committee

Auckland Female Breast Surgeon

Auckland Thyroid
& Parathyroid

Gallbladder surgery - incl East Auckland & Botany

Central Auckland Consultations


Mercy Specialist Centre (Suite 5)

100 Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland

Phone: (09) 623 77595



Mercy Breast clinic


15 Gilgit Road, Epsom

Phone: (09) 623 0347

South / East Auckland - Ormiston Clinic


Ormiston Specialist Centre, Ormiston Hospital

125 Ormiston Road, Botany Junction, Auckland

Phone: (09) 271 3305

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