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When you are suffering from an unexpected illness or symptom, or when you simply require an opinion or general surgical attention without a prolonged wait for an appointment, you can be assured of quality personal care.



A consultation is a meeting with the specialist surgeon where your problem is assessed, you are examined and a recommendation is made.  In many cases the outcome may be to plan surgery and you will be booked onto an operating list (which takes place at a different date).  It is not possible to have an operation without an initial consultation.  Some minor procedures (such as haemorrhoid banding) may be able to be carried out as part of your first consultation, but extra fees apply and these will be discussed with you.



There are three locations available for consultations with plenty of parking available at all sites.  You can choose where you wish to be seen, depending on what is more convenient for you and the availability of appointments at each location.  Mercy Breast clinic provides most seamless breast assessment, however breast care is also available at the Ormiston location (often with the support of Mercy Radiology at Botany). If you wish to switch locations for subsequent follow up appointments, that can be easily accommodate.  The location of your initial consultation does not have to be the same as any subsequent surgery - you have a choice about this.


We provide care for overseas (non-resident) patients, however payments are often required in advance.  We can work with overseas health insurance providers, where required.


If you have other queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


An intial consultation is typically 20-30 minutes, although breast cancer consultations require a more in depth discussion which may take longer (45-60mins) and/or require a further follow up appointment, once you've had a chance to consider your options or have had further investigations.  Follow up appointments are usually 15 minutes.  Allow some extra time as there will often be 'paperwork' for you to fill out, particularly if require an operation.


All available consulting locations are attached to the private hospitals at which you can have your operation:

  • Central (Epsom): Mercy Hospital

  • East / South Auckland (Botany Junction): Ormiston hospital


Other hospitals (eg Brightside, Ascot) and surgical centres (eg St Marks Road or Remuera Surgical Care) are also utilized when required, by specific arrangement.


Your operation does not have to be at the same site as your consultation took place.  The choice of hospital for surgery depends on your preference and the availability of free space on operating lists.   


Costs for consultations,  procedures and surgery vary depending on the condition being treated. 


If you have insurance you may have to pay a part charge, no fee or full fees with subsequent reimbursement by your insurance company, depending on what type of policy you hold and  which insurer is involved.  Contact us for more information. 


For breast cancer and some surgery, an experienced nurse is available as a point of contact for support.  She can answer any questions you may have, which often arise after you have seen the specialist for your consultation.  This point of contact is also very useful for 'troubleshooting' around the time of surgery.  We are also able to direct you to other sources of support (such as the Cancer Society), where appropriate.



Although you can have a consultation appointment made without a referral, most people are referred by their GP or other health professional.  This is also a useful way for us to have some background knowledge about you from the health professional you may see most often.  There is a chance that your insurance company may not cover the cost of your consultation if you have not been referred.  Our receptionists can get copies of your referral when you come to see us, so don't worry if you forget to bring it with you.


You and your GP may decide that you have some imaging / radiology investigations (such as ultrasound or mammogram) before you come to see us.  If you have had any of these, please let our reception team know as it is good to have the results available prior to your consultation.   If you have not had any investigations but require them, they can be arranged by our team, as part of your assessment.  At times we will recommend that you have these in conjunction with your initial appointment - particularly in the case of breast symptoms.

Central Auckland Consultations


Mercy Specialist Centre (Suite 5)

100 Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland

Phone: (09) 623 77595



Mercy Breast clinic


15 Gilgit Road, Epsom

Phone: (09) 623 0347

South / East Auckland - Ormiston Clinic


Ormiston Specialist Centre, Ormiston Hospital

125 Ormiston Road, Botany Junction, Auckland

Phone: (09) 271 3305

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